Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Finalizing the adoption

Celebrate good times, come on! Our families all went out for brunch in celebration of Jada's big Adoption Day.
All of the people present during our court appearance- The Judge, Jada's lawyer, our lawyer, Cody's parents, Rebecca's parents, and Cody's sister's family.

The Judge and lawyers were so great to us. We appreciate their hard work so we can be a family.

1st Christmas

Jada, Great-grandma Hufford, Grandma Sue, and cousin Layne

Cousins- Jonah, Emma, and Mia, with Jada, as well as Grandpa/ma David/Betsy

Standing by herself (for a few seconds)!

Yeah...gifts, wrapping paper, bows, Christmas trees, lights.....but best of all- celebrating Jesus coming to earth as a baby, and later dying on the cross for my sins and yours!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Now this is funny!!!

Okay, yeah...I think that anything this child does is amazing and wonderful and funny...but this really is, I mean it. We lowered her bed since she is pulling up now. Cody was so sad to have to lower it, too, b/c it means that Jada is no longer a baby...she is growing up. In this video (shot today) Jada was showing her dad what she learned while he was at work...then she really shows off. Jada, like most kids, will make a liar out of Cody and I...she will do something so funny then we will get the camera out or get around other people and she will stop doing her funny thing. Well, this time she does her little tricks for the camera, and you can just see it all over her face that she knows she is cute. Thanks for watching!

Ice, but it looks like snow. Close enough.

The Puller Upper

Jada is now seven months. She has been pulling up on our fingers for a few months now, but the other night she scooted on her bottom all the way to a LeapFrog play thing and pulled up all by herself! We are so very proud!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

It has been awhile since I, mom, have got on here and shared what Jada is doing. She is such a big girl, now, and only wants to do big girl things. Jada will grab on to my fingers, pull herself up and walk all over the house. The walker she has is too tall for her, but we borrowed the walker from her grandparents house and Jada is really moving around and she loves it...however, she will follow me around and grab my pants leg when she wants out. She has really become a mommy's girl. After spending time with family during Thanksgiving she got alot better about letting other people hold her, but if I am in the same room she thinks she needs me. I do love that she loves me, but we are going to work on her trusting other people, too. We are getting ready for Christmas and Jada is already loving all the lights and wrapping paper. This Christmas is going to be so fun...Cody and I have waited to be parents for a LONG time and we are enjoying each moment as a family. Even the nights of crying and no sleep are all forgotten when Jada smiles at us in the morning. God is good!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Greatest Sound Part 2

This was on the same night and she laughed a lot but there is a twist to this one! Just as funny.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Jada talking

Jada is a little talker. She will squeal, make a little raspberry sound and "sing" to herself when she gets tired.

G-ma, G-pa and cousins

Jada loves watching her cousins play and talk to her. Mia, the youngest, always gives the play-by-play of what Jada is doing at that moment. Jonah, Emma and Mia lovingly refer to Jada as "Baby Jada"...it is so cute!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Jada really likes to sit in her high chair even though she can barely see over the tray. She will sit there and watch me (mom) put away dishes and tell me about her day.

Surfs up

Jada is "hangin ten" with her grandpa David.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

3 month old picture

Tummy Time

Every day she gets her tummy time. Rebecca decided to take pictures...mostly because she is just to cute!

Having Fun

She was just having a blast for like 10 minutes staring at the ceiling fan and the lights and kicking the ball. She just talked and talked.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Reading time

Thanks Uncle Eric and Kate for the gifts! Here Jada is sporting a tee from the west coast and checking in on her new fav bunny in I am Bunny.

Take My Breath Away

I would blow just a little in her face, and it would shock her. You can hear her gasp as she gets startled. She would fling her hands back and after the shock wore off she would smile and laugh. It never fails, she does it every time. It is rather funny.

The Yawn that Never Ends

It never fails. We will be doing something with her and she will just laugh and we will think "Hey this needs to be on video." So we pull the video out and she quits doing it and gets mad. On this occassion we went round and round. She would laugh, get the camera out, she would cry, put the camera up and she would laugh and on and on. In the middle of this though, she had a really long yawn. Most of her yawns seem to never end. To adorable.

I Find Comfort in Moma's Love

I'm so cute

I Spy

Daddy's Girl

Inch Worm

She can't crawl yet, but she can inch along. Though I think she would just rather be held.

Clap your Hands

I'm with Jada on this one...Mom you seem a little crazy! Jada especially likes the part where Rebecca praises her.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A day at the park

Halle and Brylee came to visit Jada. While they were here Jada went on her first trip to Chuck E Cheese and the park. She really likes to be outside so the park was right up her alley! Brylee, who is 3, loves her baby sister and she seems to enjoy Jada as well. Brylee did tell on Jada when we were driving back home from Chuck E Chezit (as she calls it) and said, "Becky, your baby is not looking at me!"

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Getting ready for church

Jada loves to go to church. She enjoys listening to the piano and everyone singing.....then when Cody gets up and starts preaching she will just watch him and sometimes talk to him. Also, she loves to watch the other kids. When it was my turn to work the nursery for the worship service I had her in there with me. I put her in a bouncy seat and 2, two-year-olds sat by her side and watched her and she watch them for about 5 mintues.

Little Cardinals Fan

She figured out the key to her daddy's heart is through the Cardinals! haha!
Jada is getting so big and so fun. She wants to talk and is trying to figure out how to sit up by herself and she is almost there. She is also laughing and that is pretty entertaining.