Monday, October 5, 2009

Music video

Jada still watches and dances to vacation Bible school music videos from years past. She will pick up on the movements and words every once in a while. She is goofy, too.

A little bit of this and that

Jada on the chair which is under the table. I had to pull her out, she was making me nervous, but she was having so much fun.
Notice the sticker on her hand. She thinks she needs a sticker on her hand at all times.

Pushing the shopping cart box....go figure.

Sharing a strawberrry milk shake.

She is a natural. I don't think she even saw us playing but she picked up the drum sticks and knew what to do. Have to keep the drum sticks out of reach, though, she likes to play drums on the tv screen, too!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

more summer travel

Chillin with dad at the hotel in Springdale, AR.

Jada likes grandma sue's "puppies." She would say Sadie (pictured here) and Huey and get so excited to see them both and want to pet and roll her head in their fur. Huey is Jada's favorite, though, he stays outside and she would kiss the glass door when he was on the other side of it. He is only like 160 lbs, so there is a lot of him to love.

Jada sitting in the suit case as mom packs for OH and MO.

Jada knows where her milk cup is, and she tries her hardest to get that door open.

Trip to the St. Louis Zoo with mom and grandma Betsy. We had a ball! Jada really liked the hippo (she kept calling him a puppy), butterflies, a duck (she waddled like the duck), the prairie dogs, and the chicken strips for lunch. She is an animal lover.

Cody has preached at 3 different camps this summer and we attended the FWB National Convention and the AR state, as a family we have been in AR, TN, MS, KY, OH, IN, and MO in a span of 2 months. Jada has loved it! She likes to be busy, be on the go, and hang out with people, so all this travel and making new friends has been right up her alley. And let me tell you, she has made many friends everywhere we have been. Even in Wal-Mart jada will say "hi" all sweet to complete strangers. She is a doll. Also, she is saying new words every, flower, please, thank you, etc...and gives kisses all day long to mom and dad and her little friends at church.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Jada LOVED vacation Bible school this year. She really liked the music and doing the motions along with mom and all the other kids. She did it all by herself...she is so smart!


Hanging out on father's day.

Helping dad with our garden.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

If You're Happy and You Know it...Ba Ba

So I, cody, was laying Jada down for a nap today and she was playing with one of her toys that plays music. One of the songs was If you are happy and you know it...Everytime it would come to the "clap clap" part she would go "ba ba" and sometimes "ba." I thought at first this is just coinidence. However, after the 5th time the song was played and her doing it I was convienced she was doing it on purpose.

So I told Rebecca about and she just looked at me funny. So I went and got it and showed her and sure enough right on cue. So Rebecca put her to the test and sung it and she was right on cue. So we did our best to get it on video...any time the camera is out she gets distracted...listen closely and you will hear her.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

More party stuff

Thank you to all the party goers and party helpers! For Jada's party we focused more on giving back than receiving, so

Jada collected donations for LoveBasket (adoption agency) and Shoahannah's Hope (adoption grant program). I am so happy to announce that $200 was raised, so half will go to each organization in Jada's honor. Thank you guys ! If you would like to donate contact me, or donate online - (both are non-profit).

1st Birthday party

Cody and I wanted a child 5 years before Jada came into our lives, and in that five years we learned quite a bit. One of those lessons was to enjoy every moment of our child's childhood, not to rush her on to the next thing, but be there in that moment. We have watched nieces and nephews grow up and have wondered where the time went? Well, we have enjoyed the fun times and the hard times with Jada, but still yet I wonder where the time has gone?! Just yesterday I was holding a 6 lb bundle of joy, but today she doesn't want to be held, she wants to run on her own. Please, no one say, "Before long she will be graduating from high school." I can't handle that right now....I am enjoying this moment of my baby being almost 1!

Catching you up

Oh has been awhile! Well, here is Jada in her Easter dress. She got so sick with an ear infection and felt so very bad. Jada has been to her first(of many) Cardinal ball game, but I didn't think about the fact that she wouldn't want to sit, and she would want to put peanut shells in her mouth. Oh well, family time anyway. We have also had an over night trip to our favorite place- Mountain View, AR. We stayed in a little cabin there and Jada ran from one end to the other the whole time (she is training for her first road race).

Sunday, April 5, 2009


This is an older video... from the day after Valentine's Day... but this is like the only video of Jada sounding like a rooster. Listen close, it is pretty funny.

1st Easter Egg Hunt

Jada had a really fun time at her first ever egg hunt. She found one egg and a lot of sticks and leaves. Jada just enjoyed hanging out with her friends and being outside.

More chasing

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fun times with G-ma and G-pa

10 month old

Eating some blueberries and lovin it!
Some of Cody's family. Cody preached at his uncle's church in Mo and we all got together for lunch after service. It was a really fun afternoon.

Jada's 10 month b-day.

One of her top teeth is coming in...I think that is the reason for such a sour face in this picture. She is really liking the warmer weather so we can go on lots of walks.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

walking woman

Flower child

Jada really likes flowers and windchimes. She is walking all over the place and is really proud of herself. Outside is her favorite place to be and I have a feeling that she is going to be one of those kids that brings me (mom) worms and bugs as a gift. She likes to explore and has

no fear. She finally got to meet her uncle Eric that lives in CA and she thinks he is pretty funny and fun to be around. I think he is pretty crazy about her too.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Jada Walks

Life has been really busy around here. I apologize for the neglect of the blog.
For about a week now, Jada has been walking on her own. When she gets excited she even runs a little.

Her personality is really starting to come out as well. She is active. Almost to active as she makes no bones about it, she is active in being a nosey little girl. She loves to be nosey! But it is cute. She is self determined. She wants to accomplish things on her own. She also loves to eat, she has not turned anything down we have given to her. If she sees you eating, then she must eat.

She is a very loving little girl as she loves to give hugs, and loves to laugh. We love her like crazy. Hopefully before to long we will post some video's of her walking.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Ice Storm Footage

Ice Storm 2009 Comic Relief

This was our entertainment while the lights were out. Please pay no attention to her outfit...remember- no electricity.

Ice Storm 2009

Oh what fun! Our electricity went off early Tuesday and came back on Saturday night (and we are the lucky ones that only lost it for that short amount of time). I, Rebecca, became very sick on Thursday, so it was a rough few days for us all. Jada was thrilled to have her daddy around more than usual, though, and partied her little heart out.