Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A day at the park

Halle and Brylee came to visit Jada. While they were here Jada went on her first trip to Chuck E Cheese and the park. She really likes to be outside so the park was right up her alley! Brylee, who is 3, loves her baby sister and she seems to enjoy Jada as well. Brylee did tell on Jada when we were driving back home from Chuck E Chezit (as she calls it) and said, "Becky, your baby is not looking at me!"

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Getting ready for church

Jada loves to go to church. She enjoys listening to the piano and everyone singing.....then when Cody gets up and starts preaching she will just watch him and sometimes talk to him. Also, she loves to watch the other kids. When it was my turn to work the nursery for the worship service I had her in there with me. I put her in a bouncy seat and 2, two-year-olds sat by her side and watched her and she watch them for about 5 mintues.

Little Cardinals Fan

She figured out the key to her daddy's heart is through the Cardinals! haha!
Jada is getting so big and so fun. She wants to talk and is trying to figure out how to sit up by herself and she is almost there. She is also laughing and that is pretty entertaining.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hello Aunt Tammy

Beautiful setting for a beautiful girl

Hanging out with some cousins

Aunt Anita taking care of me

Hanging out with Grandma

Like my hat?

Afternoon walk with mom and dad

Cousin Sachyl from California helping out.

Jada got to visit her cousins from California (my brothers kids). Sachyl was very interested in her new cousin.

Bath Picture

I love this picture. She is too adorable coming out of the tub and wrapped up in her towel.

Fickle Personality? Surely not with a girl!

Wild Hair

After a bath last night her hair just curled up and would not lay down. Can't tell in the photo but the hair on the back of her was the same way.

Ms. Thing w/Mommy

This picture cracked us up. We were talking and all the sudden Jada put her hand behind her head and just laid there. Way to funny

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fathers Day Gift

Jada decided she would give me a footprint of her. That way I will always remember that she used to be a small baby. She is growing up to fast. She also made me a tool belt. She is very smart

Just to cute

I tell Rebecca all the time that it is impossible to get any work done. She is just to cute to take the eyes off of. We love her!